ONT R10.4.1 5kHz chemistry - DNA data
Make sure to first go through the directory structure, file name conventions and downloading method documented here.
Table of Contents
NA24385 (HG002) PromethION data (~40X)
- Info: HG002 (Coriell Institute, GM24385) was cultured in RPMI1640 (Gibco, 11875093) with 15% fetal bovine serum (Bovogen, SFBS-AU) at 37°C with 5% CO2. DNA was extracted using Nanobind CBB kit (PacBio, 102-301-900). DNA was sheared to ~33 kb using the Megaruptor 3 (Diagenode) and libraries prepared using SQK-LSK114 and sequenced on a R10.4.1 flow cell (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) at 5kHz sampling rate to generate ~40X genome coverage.
- Notes: the complete dataset with 18.8M reads (130.494 Gbases).
- Reads lengths: 2.7 kbases median, 6.9 kbases mean, 854.8 kbases max
- Browse: https://gtgseq.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385_2/
raw signal data:
- BLOW5 file
- direct link: PGXXSX240041_reads.blow5
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385_2/raw/PGXXSX240041_reads.blow5
- md5sum:
- BLOW5 index
- direct link: PGXXSX240041_reads.blow5.idx
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385_2/raw/PGXXSX240041_reads.blow5.idx
- md5sum:
- Also available on ENA: ERR12997168
- Guppy 6.5.7 high accuracy
- basecalled with Guppy 6.5.7 through buttery-eel.
- model: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_5khz_hac_prom.cfg
- only reads that passed the qscore filter threshold 9 are included
- mapped with minimap2 2.26 against hg38noAlt with map-ont preset
- f5c 1.3 CpG methylation frequencies
NA24385 (HG002) PromethION data (~20X)
- Info: sheared DNA libraries (~25Kb) were prepared using the ONT LSK114 ligation library prep and a R10.4.1 flow cell at 5kHz sampling rate was used to generate ~20X genome coverage.
- Notes: the complete dataset with 12.5M reads (51.211 Gbases).
- Reads lengths: 1.5 kbases median, 4.1 kbases mean, 288.9 kbases max
- Browse: https://gtgseq.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385/
raw signal data:
- BLOW5 file
- direct link: PGXXXX230339_reads.blow5
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385/raw/PGXXXX230339_reads.blow5
- md5sum:
- BLOW5 index
- direct link: PGXXXX230339_reads.blow5.idx
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-5khz-dna/NA24385/raw/PGXXXX230339_reads.blow5.idx
- md5sum:
- Also available on ENA: ERR12997167
- Guppy 6.5.7 high accuracy
- basecalled with Guppy 6.5.7 through buttery-eel.
- model: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_5khz_hac_prom.cfg
- only reads that passed the qscore filter threshold 9 are included
- mapped with minimap2 2.26 against hg38noAlt with map-ont preset
- f5c 1.3 CpG methylation frequencies
ONT RNA004 chemistry - RNA data
UHR PromethION data
- Info: Universal human reference RNA (300 ng polyA enriched RNA) was prepared using the SQK-RNA004 kit from Nanopore. Prepared library (48 ng) was loaded onto a FLO-PRO004RA flow cell.
- Notes: the complete dataset with 15.4M reads (17.554 Gbases).
- Reads lengths: 864 bases median, 1.137 kbases mean, 321 kbases max
- Browse: https://gtgseq.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#ont-rna004-rna/UHR/
raw signal data:
- BLOW5 file
- direct link: PNXRXX240011_reads.blow5
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-rna004-rna/UHR/raw/PNXRXX240011_reads.blow5
- md5sum:
- BLOW5 index
- direct link: PNXRXX240011_reads.blow5.idx
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-rna004-rna/UHR/raw/PNXRXX240011_reads.blow5.idx
- md5sum:
- Also available on ENA: ERR12997170
- Dorado server 7.2.13 super accuracy
- basecalled with Dorado server 7.2.13 through buttery-eel.
- model: rna_rp4_130bps_sup.cfg
- only reads that passed the qscore filter threshold 10 are included
- mapped with minimap2 2.26 against gencode.v40.transcripts with map-ont preset and
ONT R10.4.1 4kHz chemistry - DNA data
NA24385 (HG002) PromethION data (~30X)
- Info: sheared DNA libraries (~17Kb) were prepared using the ONT LSK114 ligation library prep and a R10.4.1 flow cell at 4KHz sampling rate was used to generate ~30X genome coverage.
- Notes: the complete dataset with 15.3M reads (102.2 Gbases). Also available on SRA: SRS16575602.
- Reads lengths: 6.5 kbases median, 7.3 kbases mean, 636.6 kbases max
- Browse: https://gtgseq.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#ont-r10-dna/NA24385/
raw signal data:
- BLOW5 file
- direct link: PGXX22394_reads.blow5
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-dna/NA24385/raw/PGXX22394_reads.blow5
- md5sum:
- BLOW5 index
- direct link: PGXX22394_reads.blow5.idx
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-dna/NA24385/raw/PGXX22394_reads.blow5.idx
- md5sum:
- Also available on SRA: SRR23215366
- Also available on ENA: ERR11777845
- Guppy 6.4.2 high accuracy
- basecalled with Guppy 6.4.2 through buttery-eel.
- model: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac_prom.cfg
- only reads that passed the qscore filter threshold 9 are included
- mapped with minimap2 2.17 against hg38noAlt with map-ont preset
- f5c 1.2 CpG methylation frequencies
NA12878 (HG001) PromethION data (~20X)
- Info: Sheared DNA libraries (~30Kb) were prepared using the ONT LSK114 ligation library prep and a R10.4.1 flow cell at 4KHz sampling rate was used to generate ~30X genome coverage.
- Notes: the complete dataset with ~11M reads (70.5 Gbases)
- Reads lengths: 4.5 kbases median, 7.6 kbases mean, 235.1 kbases max
- Browse: https://gtgseq.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#ont-r10-dna/NA12878/
raw signal data:
- BLOW5 file
- direct link: PGXXHX230142_reads.blow5
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-dna/NA12878/raw/PGXXHX230142_reads.blow5
- md5sum:
- BLOW5 index
- direct link: PGXXHX230142_reads.blow5.idx
- s3 location: s3://gtgseq/ont-r10-dna/NA12878/raw/PGXXHX230142_reads.blow5.idx
- md5sum:
- Also available on ENA: ERR11777844
- Guppy 6.4.2 high accuracy
- basecalled with Guppy 6.4.2 through buttery-eel.
- model: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac_prom.cfg
- only reads that passed the qscore filter threshold 9 are included
- mapped with minimap2 2.17 against hg38noAlt with map-ont preset
- f5c 1.2 CpG methylation frequencies